uncovering the lies of critical race theory and abortion

Racism is not a color, it's a sin.


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John Amanchukwu is on a mission to confront racism with truth

As a black man in America, he’s uniquely positioned to call out the racism of the left, repackaged as abortion and critical race theory. Tucked in the Old Testament book of Isaiah is a warning meant for ancient Judah, but it might as well have been written for twenty-first century America: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20). Abortion and critical race theory are twin evils born of the same diabolical monster: racism. And yet, there are many in the church who want to call them good, even as America begins to unravel under their influence. In Eraced, John Amanchukwu Sr. dispels the myths surrounding abortion and critical race theory, and uncovers the Left’s sinister plot to destroy the Black community and divide the church. Along the way, he brings to light important gospel truths to help all believers learn to think biblically about some of the most important and explosive issues of our day.

ERACED is getting praise from today’s best leaders.

Eraced Project

Eraced is a movement that loves life of every color and sees all mankind, born and unborn as one blood and equally lovable. We seek to unite America behind three core objectives:
Expose the undeniable link between abortion and racism.
Unite America by exposing CRT as a racist ideology and having it banned in all schools
Mobilize a generation that believes that human lives are sacred, and who vote accordingly.

Promote school choice as a tool to create competition, thereby improving educational opportunities for all students.

Promote capitalism as a method for economic societal advancement.

We're taking action by delivering captivating speeches at school boards, producing high octane, eye opening, digital content, and working in conjunction with lawmakers to pass common sense legislation.

John Amanchukwu

Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. John graduated from North Carolina State University where he played football under Coach Chuck Amato. From the battles on the football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of biblical justice.

With his master’s degree in Christian Ministry from Liberty University, as well as being an experienced leader in Youth and Young Adult ministry for many years, John’s passion for the next generation pours out on audiences across our nation. John is a strong advocate for the unborn. For twelve years, John ministered and led a 40-week prayer walk at one of the busiest abortion clinics in the Southeast. His heart breaks for the impact of abortion in America; he is especially concerned about abortion in the Black community.

Along with preaching across the country, John has been the featured guest on the Tucker Carlson Tonight Show, The Charlie Kirk Show, The Gorka Reality Check with Sebastian Gorka, Rob Schmitt Tonight, Daystar’s Ministry Now with Joni Lamb, The Balance with Eric Bolling, John Bachman Now, The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, In The Market with Janet Parshall, The Jenna Ellis Show, the Steadfast and Loyal Podcast with Allen West, Steve Bannon Show, Jason Whitlock Show, The Officer Tatum Show with Brandon Tatum, Jesse Watters Primetime and several other podcasts and television broadcasts. John is a staff contributor with TPUSA FAITH and has been featured on TPUSA FAITH’s Freedom Night and AmericaFest. John has also been in several publications including the Christian Post, the Epoch Times, the Daily Wire, ChurchLeaders.com, GotQuestions.com and Fox News online.

John is the Amazon best-selling author of “Eraced: Uncovering the Lies of Critical Race Theory and Abortion” published by Salem Books. This book has inspired a movement among parents and educators across the country to fight back against CRT, intersectionality, queer theory, gender theory, and other godless doctrines in public schools. As a strong proponent of school choice, John speaks to school boards across the country with a convicting message that calls for schools to focus on education, rather than indoctrination. A video of John’s speech to the Wake County School Board went viral and garnered national attention with 5 million+ views.

John is the First Assistant and Youth & Young Adult Pastor at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ. He is a family man. He and his wife Crystal have been married for 15 years. They and their three beautiful children live in Wake Forest, NC.

John refuses to be told to ignore the truth because he’s black.

He won’t be eraced

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and he’s speaking out.